Hypocrisy In War

War will never be given the adjective “beautiful” because the very nature of war is one of death and destruction. You won’t

Hypocrisy In War2019-11-13T13:42:49-05:00

Environmentalism vs. Creation

In the pagan construction of the world, the nature of being in anthropology is rooted in naturalism: Man is a product of

Environmentalism vs. Creation2019-07-23T12:45:52-04:00

The Greatest Threat to the Church

It's high time we deal with this. The greatest threat to the Church in America isn’t a political candidate for president, AOC,

The Greatest Threat to the Church2019-04-23T14:29:31-04:00

Finished: The Meaning of Good Friday

Hanging on the cross, Jesus said one final word: tetelestai. This word, translated as "It is finished," is oftentimes the subject of curious

Finished: The Meaning of Good Friday2019-04-19T10:34:37-04:00


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