About Jason Garwood

Rev. Dr. Jason Garwood serves as the teaching pastor of Cross & Crown Church in Northern Virginia. He is husband to Mary and father to three children. His passion is the gospel, and his desire is for the social order of the Kingdom of God to be present in the here and now. His motto: All of Christ, for all of life.

Thus Always to Tyrants?

Regarding the current administration’s second amendment plans, you should know that a day of reckoning will come very soon for citizens of

Thus Always to Tyrants?2019-12-02T15:24:37-05:00

Hypocrisy In War

War will never be given the adjective “beautiful” because the very nature of war is one of death and destruction. You won’t

Hypocrisy In War2019-11-13T13:42:49-05:00

Environmentalism vs. Creation

In the pagan construction of the world, the nature of being in anthropology is rooted in naturalism: Man is a product of

Environmentalism vs. Creation2019-07-23T12:45:52-04:00

Africa Mission Announcement!

Hey friends—I’m really excited to announce the wonderful opportunity I have to return to Africa this September! After last year’s trip the

Africa Mission Announcement!2019-06-21T10:23:15-04:00

The Greatest Threat to the Church

It's high time we deal with this. The greatest threat to the Church in America isn’t a political candidate for president, AOC,

The Greatest Threat to the Church2019-04-23T14:29:31-04:00

Finished: The Meaning of Good Friday

Hanging on the cross, Jesus said one final word: tetelestai. This word, translated as "It is finished," is oftentimes the subject of curious

Finished: The Meaning of Good Friday2019-04-19T10:34:37-04:00


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