*Published yesterday in the Tuscola County Advertiser*

I love the book of Psalms. I love how rich it is in imagery. It’s a “book of praises” and helps us understand more and more what it means to worship God. It’s a collection of ancient songs and was often memorized and sung in the temple. The Jewish people during the time leading up to Jesus often sang them, remembering who God is and what he has done. I also love the book because it is applicable to us today.

Psalm 2 is a short psalm that has to do with some of the “behind-the-scenes” stuff going on around us. There are four people who speak: the narrator (arguably king David), God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. The narrator starts by asking why all the nations rage and plot against the Lord and His Anointed (vs. 1-3). It’s a passionate plea for people who are opposed to God to be reconciled to God. It’s a question that seeks to understand why the leaders and rulers are arrogantly trying to usurp the Sovereignty and Governance of God. Behind all of the rhetoric, nations war against God thinking that they themselves have ultimate authority.

God the Father responds to their foolishness by laughing (vs. 4), speaking to them in his wrath (vs. 5), and setting up (literally, “enthroning”) his king in Jerusalem. We understand this, with the help of the New Testament writers (Acts 4:25-26, 13:33; Hebrews 1:5, 5:5; Revelation 2:27), to be alluding to Jesus as the rest of the psalm will make clear.

Following this, God the Son speaks by remembering that his Father has “begotten” him (not “made,” but adopted and given a status by virtue of this obedience), and given him the nations as his inheritance (vs. 7-8).

The Spirit (who’s job it is to point everyone to Jesus!) warns the wicked rulers (vs. 10), invites them to serve the LORD with fear and trembling (vs. 11) by paying homage (vs. 12, “kiss the Son”) to him in worship rather than choosing the path to destruction. The psalm ends saying that, “Blessed are all who take refuge in him.” If you read carefully, you can notice the similarities with Psalm 1.

The point of all this? Just like Psalm 1, there are two paths. There is no fence to ride in Christianity. You’re either following the way of the Lord or walking a path of destruction. You’re either following Jesus, or following satan, sin and death. You’re either blessed because of the Anointed one and what’s He’s done for you on His Cross, or you’re walking the path of self-righteousness, trusting that you are the ultimate decider of truth. Which way are you going to walk? Who are you going to follow? The way of the wicked that loves power here and now? Or the way of Jesus that may look powerless but receives the Eternal Reward in the end? The warning is clear. The message is clear. It’s your decision how you will respond to the LORD and his Anointed.