I am pleased to announce the release of my latest work, The Politics of Humanism: A Christian Response to the Humanist Worldview. This book, I believe, is incredibly important as we advance the kingdom of God in every area of life. In it I address hot topics like gun control, government education, the drug war, and immigration. A word of caution: the book will undoubtedly irritate both sides of the political aisle and I consider that a ‘win’. Enjoy!
From the back cover:
‘The Politics of Humanism’ is both a theological and practical look at the abhorrent philosophies and doctrines of humanism. Covering a wide-range of topics like racism, immigration, gun control, the drug war, and the military industrial complex, the book seeks to both examine the faulty presuppositions of humanism, and offer up a better way, one which aligns with the totality of Scripture. Dr. Jason Garwood offers both width and depth as it pertains to the greatest rival of Christianity: humanism and its powerful god, Statism. A call to fight, Dr. Garwood gives us tools to win the battle.
The Table of Contents:
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