Finished: The Meaning of Good Friday

Hanging on the cross, Jesus said one final word: tetelestai. This word, translated as "It is finished," is oftentimes the subject of curious

Finished: The Meaning of Good Friday2019-04-19T10:34:37-04:00

How to Respond to AHA

You can listen to this in podcast form over at Reconstructionist Radio. Welcome to Setting the Record Straight, a podcast of Reconstructionist

How to Respond to AHA2017-11-19T13:14:48-05:00

Dialectical Maneuvering

"And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men

Dialectical Maneuvering2017-07-28T08:15:11-04:00

Biblical Worldview Seminar

This past Saturday night I joined up with my friend Pastor Eric Stewart from ONElife Church in Flint, MI to teach on

Biblical Worldview Seminar2017-02-02T13:57:37-05:00

Applying the Covenantal Worldview

You can listen to this in podcast form over at Reconstructionist Radio. ------------------ My previous article released last month called, “Understanding God’s Covenantal

Applying the Covenantal Worldview2017-01-04T14:23:19-05:00
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