What a joy to be able to re-cap our 18-day mission trip to Africa! The journey was a lot of work but it was well worth the effort to be able minister the gospel on this great continent. This year my friend Ron Kronz and I were able to travel together the whole time, which was a reward for me because Ron’s insight on Africa (as an American) is second to none. The work was both laborious and joyful–which is not unusual for us. We spent quite a bit of time teaching and preaching as well as networking and ministering in various contexts. The journey began in Zambia, and from there we traveled to Zimbabwe, and then South Africa. Below are some stories and pictures. Thanks for stopping by! It was by far my favorite trip to date.

Zambia 🇿🇲 – The First Stop!

Jason, Peter, and Ron hitting the ground running!

Back at UNZA!

Teaching at the University of Zambia.

University Students.

The work in Zambia started at the University of Zambia. The student group called UCC (University Christian Community) meets on Wednesday nights for Bible Study. I taught from Isaiah 60:1-3; the message was entitled “On Being Lights in a Dark World.” My main idea was this: In order give light, you have to be light; in order to be light, you have to know light. The students received the message and were challenged to consider what it looks like to be faithful to Christ in all areas of life. Afterwards we had a Q&A which is always fun. The students are such a joy to be with!

Visiting Martha’s Orphanage.

On Friday we went to pay Ms. Martha a visit and give some financial aid. She runs an orphanage in an area of great need. There’s a lot of fatherlessness in Africa–and visiting widows and orphans in their affliction is at the heart of the gospel. “Such were some of you.” Pray for Martha and her work there. She has some helpers but the workers, as you can imagine, are few. We’re asking God to raise up the Christian church to help take care of these young children.

Revelation TV Interview with Ms. Barbara.

Ron and I were able to do two television interviews: the first one with TBN Zambia, the second one with Revelation TV. I recently learned that Revelation TV intends on airing my Sunday sermons there in Zambia, so we ask God for fruit! Ms. Barbara also runs an orphanage; she has done great work in this area, too, rescuing persecuted Albino children.

Preaching the comprehensive gospel of the Kingdom.

Word Feast Attendees.

Enjoying lunch and discussion with ministry leaders.

Always more discussions to be had!

Q&A Panel.

Saturday was our “Word Feast” conference hosted by Bishop Peter Tanda Mulenga, a dear friend of ours. At least 100 people were in attendance! My talk was called: “Reformation Africa: Wisdom in an Age of Foolishness.” My main hope was to encourage folks to be thinking about maturity and discernment, especially since Americans have exported a very truncated version of the gospel of the Kingdom. Everything is covenantal, nothing is neutral. I believe this conference was the absolute best one we have done to date! I still keep in touch with many of these wonderful folks.

Preaching at UCC.

UCC Service.

After service photo with UCC leaders, including my friend James Phiri, the chaplain (red suit).

Early Sunday morning I preached at the UCC Sunday morning worship service. I gave a talk from Psalm 2 & Matthew 28:18-20 called “The Kingdom of God & the Mission of the Church.” I challenged the students to be thinking seriously about their role as Christians in the church and in the world. It was very well received!

ZNBC Radio Program.

Shortly after, I rushed over to the radio station with my friend Martin who is a pastor and host on ZNBC radio. There I preached the same message from Psalm 2, and upon leaving, the guards who keep the property secure told me “hello” and that they appreciated the message. Apparently they were listening on the radio, unbeknownst to me!

Eating some Zambian cuisine! (My good friend Gregory is in the middle!)

During this time, Ron was preaching over at Bishop Mulenga’s church. I joined up with him and we had a great time of fellowship with all of their network churches. Having been there several times over the years I cannot tell you the absolute joy it is to be there and see old friends. They alway ask when I’m coming back! The trip in Zambia ended Monday night as we caught a very late flight from Lusaka, Zambia, to Harare, Zimbabwe, then up to Nairobi, Kenya, for a quick changeover to our final stop: Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe 🇿🇼 – The Second Stop

Arriving to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

Jason & Cozmore out front of Hut of Hope Trust in Gwayi, Zimbabwe.

Our friend Cozmore fetched us from the airport and after picking up some needed supplies for the Youth Camp, he took us to his ministry, Hut of Hope Trust. Cozmore and his team ministers to kids out in the bush (villages) of central Zimbabwe, and his ministry of feeding and ministering to these children has exploded. He has a large plot of land full of beautiful flowers and an abundance of crops. Be sure to check out the website!

Some of the young men at camp.

The food hut at camp! (Watch out for the Baboons! They were always trying to steal our food 😆)

Preaching Christ above all!

Jesus is putting his enemies under his feet! Cozmore doing some great translating work, too.

Zoned in on the Word.

For two days we fed 40 kids (ages 15-20ish) and taught them the Bible for several hours on end. They were exceptionally attentive! By the end of the trip the kids had opened up to us a bit more (they were shy). For some of them, this was their first time leaving the village. What a blessing it was to have their attention for two days–it was the Bible bootcamp of a lifetime! I hope and pray we can do more of these types of things in the future.

After getting ready to leave, I was informed that we had free passes for a quick, self-guided safari at Hwange National Park, which is where the camp was held. So, Cozmore took us into the park and I went on my first ever safari! We saw hundreds of elephants, some giraffes, a couple zebras, crocodiles, and of course the enormous hippopotamus! Unfortunately we did not see any lions or leopards.

An elephant warning!

Incredible creatures.

After the quick safari trip we needed to make our way back to Victoria Falls for the night, as our flight to South Africa left the next day. So we drove several hours back to Vic and made it safely to our hotel. The next day, Cozmore and I went into the Victoria Falls National park for just a quick peek. Amazing. Next stop, Cape Town, South Africa!

Jason & Cozmore at the Victoria Falls.

South Africa 🇿🇦  – The Third & Final Stop

Our time in South Africa was an absolute blessing because we were able to spend time with Charl van Wyk (and his wife Sonja!), who is a missionary in Africa. Charl has written a couple of books on the right and duty of self-defense, and he has a forthcoming book releasing soon (I hope!). The morning after our arrival Ron and I were invited to speak at a men’s prayer breakfast. Our topic: The challenges and opportunities for discipleship. My main point was that discipleship is the whole man in service of the whole Christ. We have a truncated gospel problem that is leading us down a bad path. Ron gave a great talk and then we were on to our next adventure.

Teaching the men.

Discipleship is the whole man in service to the whole Christ.

Q&A for the 1st Prayer breakfast in Cape Town.

On Friday night Charl and I drove down to Guguletu, which is near the Airport in Cape Town. It’s not a safe place at all, but our pastor/friend Vuyo invited me to come and address their Youth Group at Center of Hope Community Church. Of course, many of their church family was there, too, but it was an incredible night of teaching. I taught on the Story of the World: Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration. I taught them how knowing this story of reality helps us live in the story faithfully. It was very well received, I thank God.

Preaching the Story of the World.

The youth coming forward for prayer.

On Saturday morning we hosted the Great Commission leaders, which is a large network of churches across the Cape Town area. Ron and I both had the opportunity to exhort them, but the brunch was mostly a time of networking for future ministry partnerships. We spent some time in prayer with them, too. A neat thing that happened: one of the workers at the cafe approached us and asked us to pray for their coworker’s mother who had just had a stroke–so we led in a very powerful time of prayer together. Salt and light!

Addressing the Great Commission Leaders.

On Sunday morning, Ron gave his testimony at Durbanville Community Church. [Click the link on the word testimony in the previous sentence!] We couldn’t stay for the rest of the service as both Ron and I were back to preaching in the “Gugs.” I preached at our friend Lala’s church, His Compassion Christian Assembly, and once again told the Story of the World.

Bishop Lala, my new friend.

Ron preaching at Great Commission Church.

A lunch break after a busy morning of preaching. We’ve been fighting.

Charl and Sonja…a dynamic couple for Christ!

On Sunday night we headed to Klipheuwel (Stone Hill) for a Youth Bible Study. I broke the Story of the World talk down to just a few minutes. Ron crushed it per usual. It was nice time of fellowship and discipleship with the youth of this very poor community. Josiah’s Trust is doing some great work!


The Story of the World: Number 4 is RESTORATION.

Chatting afterwards.

More chatting.

Monday and Tuesday were a little more relaxed, thankfully. We had been going full throttle over the weekend so it was nice to rest a bit. On Monday morning we had brunch with Pastor Vuyo and his wife. A former gangster, Vuyo’s life has been completely turned around! What a testimony. I hope to see him again soon.

Brunch time!

On Tuesday we spent some time at the Cape…it was beautiful! On our way there we had a little snack with our friend Olga who works at a really beautiful olive farm/winery of sorts.

The Olive Farm/Winery and mountains.

The Cape!

Eastern Slopes

Visiting the docks; Table Mountain is in the background!

Tuesday night was the Bible study group with DCC. We had an enjoyable time of fellowship while looking at Romans 12:1-2.

Wednesday was by far our busiest day. We woke up really early to pick up our friend Billy (an abolitionist who’s doing great work in Cape Town!), and head to another prayer breakfast meeting. Here was the promo:

Charl gave us a great introduction, then I gave a talk; after that, Ron did as well. They were powerful messages and the people were challenged. You can watch it on YouTube.

We had a couple other meetings that day, and in the evening time we went back to Klipeuwel for Charl’s Wednesday night study with the Soldiers for Christ. Ron and I both opened up Proverbs and challenged the young men towards growth and maturity.

Kids playing at Stone Hill.

The young Soldiers for Christ were locked in!

I can’t tell you what an absolute blessing it is to be able to teach alongside my friend Ron Kronz.

Challenging these men to grow up into greater maturity in Christ.

After the meeting, we went back to our hotel to grab our things and head to the airport. We had an incredible 18 days but it was time to get home! Lot’s of teaching and preaching, lot’s of fellowship and networking, lot’s a kingdom-impact.

Lord willing, I will return late Summer of 2025!