Lamb’s Reign

Launched in October of 2019, Lamb’s Reign represents a collection of writers who seek to edify the body of Christ towards redeemed servant-hood in the kingdom of God.

  • We worship a God who covenants with his people and we are grounded by the inerrant word of God in all things.

  • We are future oriented and affirm the victory of Christ’s kingdom in history.

  • We love the law of God and the justice of God want it to permeate all areas of life starting with our own lives, the lives of our families and the church.

  • We know and appreciate the Gospel of the Kingdom in which Jesus Christ atones for sin, restores relationship between God and man, and brings justice to the oppressed.

  • We recognize the sovereignty of God in salvation and throughout all history.

  • We know and appreciate the value of both a corporate mission and seeking individual purpose in the kingdom of God.