Be Holy: Learning the Path of Sanctification

Whether we admit it or not, sanctification is often misunderstood, misapplied, or ignored altogether. There is a danger in attempting to follow Jesus apart from His commands, provisions, and promises. Without a coherent, biblically informed understanding of God—His holiness, His attributes, His character—any grace driven efforts of Christian growth will be truncated at best. Now that Christ has saved us, how does that work itself out in love? What are some of the things we should know as a follower of The Way? What if I just don’t feel like growing in the Lord?

Inside Be Holy: Learning the Path of Sanctification, Jason Garwood explores the terrain of sanctification in a comprehensive and easy to understand way. It’s saturated in Scripture and rooted in the church’s history of holiness—the ups and downs of growth and change in the Christian life. And at the center of Be Holy sits the reigning King Jesus and the work of the trinitarian God in the gospel. May God stir up your affections as you behold His glory and walk the path of sanctification.

File Size: 550 KB
Print Length: 104 pages
Publisher: Grace For Sinners Books (December 13, 2014)
Publication Date: December 13, 2014
Sold by: Services LLC
Language: English